All posts tagged: good reads

Good Reads Week 35 2015

Welcome back to another week of Good Reads on the Broken Paintbrush, where I’ve gathered some great articles and inspirations from my blog feed. I hope you enjoy and check out each of the blogger’s works. First up is The Hunter by Jeff Vader over at the Convertorum. Its an amazing work of his imagination for an alien warrior for his Inq28 games. He even goes into naming the Skadii and giving story to their alien society. NafNaf over at Objective Secured keeps knocking his Dark Eldar Carnival out of the park, and this time with his completed Beast Pack. With a mix of lions, monkeys, and parrots, it makes for a great riot of color and movement. Greggles from Feed the Nerd is passionately attempting to finish his Ork hoard for Nova Open. Between using crackle paste for the display boards, to painting 16+ vehicles yellow, and more troops to go, he has been a machine at cranking them out. Alex over at Lead Ballony took the free AoS model and turned it into a clock-work automa …

Inquisitor by Wilhelm

Good Reads – 2015W29

Life is starting to settle back down, which means I have started catching up on my blog article back log. This week brings a great collection from around the interwebs for your viewing pleasure. So lately I’ve been really digging the INQ28 world, not so much for the Blanchian scary/odd art, but for the crazy and awesome conversion people are using to make their war bands. Wilhelm is another new addition to my personal blog roll and his recent update on his warband has some great work in it – I especially liked this Inquisitor. Marble is one of those cool stone looks that really fits well with the Grim Dark, Gothic look, but is really hard to pull off. Apologist from Death of a Rubricist put together a nice tutorial for all of us to make our own marble additions. He even gets bonus points for writing in imperial data slate style! This last month has been a flurry of new releases that have had the community chatting loudly, but one release that seems to …

Vostroyan Hydra by the GunGrave on A Guardsmen's Guide

Good Reads 2015W23 – Tanks

Welcome to another week of Good Reads, this week I have put together a great collection of tanks from the last few weeks – and I love tanks. So check out the posts below and leave your fellow bloggers some comments!   Rednekkboss is a fan of the gribbly bits and it shows in this fantastic Nurgle Vindicator. You can check out his previous posts to watch this nasty, horrible, awesomely painted beast come together from the amazing rust effects to that creepy green eye. So the new Hydra Kit from Games Workshop is awesome, but the GunGrave took it one step further and modified it to be a Vostroyan Hydra complete with custom gunner and loader. Hopefully someday GW will give these other IG units some love again to make it easier to theme our armies. I love the new Stalkertank and I have a fondness for traitor guard, so I love bigbossredskullz’ take on it. Not only is the weathering well done, but the little chaos bits are spot on. Greggles has been doing some great …

Eversor painted by Redscorps

Good Reads 2015W22

Welcome to another week of some great blog posts from our little corner of the noosphere. Check out some of the great blog articles below and give your fellow war gammers, hobbyists, and bloggers some love. While I haven’t played fantasy in many, many years, I still enjoy seeing some of the amazing work people put into their units. RJ_Payne from Paint Hammer shows off his completed Inner Circle Knights that includes a great unit filler. The little diorama depicting a Nurgle champion challenging Valten while the knights rush past. Klaus is back with another amazing sculpt and painted creation, this time The Rider. After checking out the glorious pictures of the finished piece, make sure you go back through the build steps and watch as wire is turned into magic. Admiral Drax had a post sharing a great hobby challenge hosted by the Spider Web of History named the 6 Month Mountain Reduction & Painting Challenge. The idea is a group support effort to reduce our mountain of grey plastic sprues by limiting ourselves to …

Tale of Painters How to Paint Death Company

Good Reads 6 with a focus on painting tutorials

Now that moving is settling down and Nurgle’s plague has ravaged our house, I can get back to posting up some great blog articles I have found around the net. This week I’m trying something a bit different. Rather than using just posts from the last week I’ve been gathers them into different categories on Trello such as the one here for painting tutorials. I’m hoping this does two things: reduces the stress on me to post every week, and provide more focused reading for my readers. Let me know what you think in the comments below. Let’s start off with Tale of Painters‘ How to Paint Blood Angles Death Company. Stahly has a great, very in depth tutorial on how he painted his Death Company marines. Black can be deceptively difficult to paint so his tutorial is helpful for any black armored soldier. Next up Adam on Sprue Grey has a great tutorial on painting his Farseer. Not only does Adam give some great tips on painting the robes and free-hand designs, he also provides some background …

Good Reads 5 – Panther, Rivers, Thunder Priest, and Fists

Welcome to Good Reads 5 where I highlight some of the Hobby Blogs from around the interwebs that caught my eye. One of the things I love about our corner of the internet is that we hobby bloggers look at each other as companions in this journey and spur each other on. It is hard to find that anywhere else, so keep up the great work hobby bloggers, #warmongers, and readers alike! Chaos Panther Beast What happens when you combine the Glotkin, Maulerfiend, and a ton of green stuff? Well TG over at Dark Future Games made a crazy wicked Chaos Panther. Over the course of five or six posts, TG documented his progress from a pile of bits and a creative idea, into a very unique and inspiring conversion. Hopefully we see it painted soon TG! Improving Premade Rivers So John Stiening over at 40k Hobby Blog showed how you can take pre-painted river sections you can pick up for $18 on Amazon, and re-paint them into much more realistic terrain pieces. With just …

Good Reads 4

Good Reads – Hobby Blogs You May Have Missed – 2015W13

With the end of another week comes Good Reads 4 with hobby blogs that I have come across the last week or so. I’ve just recently jumped into the Twitter world of #warmongers, but it has significantly expanded my eyes into the world of blogs. If you are on Twitter, hit me up at @brknpaintbrush. Green Stuff Creations Green Stuff Industries shows off where to find some cool bits for Chaos Space Marines and why he is passionate about converting/bit bashing. Many of his kits are non-GW, or at least not Chaos Space Marine specific. Check out some of his cool creations. Renegades Just like many of us, Elotsip 40k needs more Renegade troopers, so he shows us three new units bits bashed from multiple sources. Some of the bits used show how GW is missing some gaping holes in the renegade, traitor guard area and I have bookmarked a few of his sources for future projects. Painting Eyes The guys of Massive Voodoo always have great paintings and fantastic tutorials. This week Raffa gives …

Scratch built Avesor Assassin by Henry South

Good Reads 3 – Hobby Blogs You May Have Missed

So Week 12 of 2015 is here and with it some more Good Reads that caught my eye with nifty posts. I love finding new artists and inspiration and follow about 30+ active blogs on Feedly but am finding more and more on my Google+ and Twitter (@brknpaintbrush) accounts, so if you aren’t following me on there, hit up the link and say hi. Ok so let’s check out some more goodness: Converted Evesor Assassin   The Evesor Assassin is such a scary idea that it is such a shame GW hasn’t gone back and updated the Assassin line or updated the rules like did in third addition. I found Henry South on Google+ where he posted a few WIP shots of his crazy bits bash of the Assassin and posted his finished piece to his blog Check it out, you won’t be disappointing. Egyptian Themed AdMech   Last week I posted some cool Greek flavored Space Marines, this week we have an Egyptian themed Adeptus Mechanicus Sentinels. Not only is the sandstone look a cool alternative to the …

Good Reads 2 with awesome hobby blogs to read

Good Reads #2 – Hobby Blogs You May Have Missed

Welcome back to another week of Good Reads. I have more hobby blogs posts from our niche in the world that stuck out to me, and I wanted to share. Check them out and support your fellow hobbyist and celebrate their accomplishments. Iron Snakes M4cro has painted up a full squad of Iron Snakes he has called Squad Lakodeme. Some fantastically painted shield designs and a cool story he is telling with these Marines. I’m a big fan of the Spartan look on Marines and especially Marines with shields, and these guys fit both bills. Custom Built Razor Back Turret Typically a Razorback doesn’t get anyone excited, but D  Powers scratch built his turret with some crazy, ornate detail and an exposed Techmarine who is just looking like a boss. Also, check out his armies back story, I love when people expand upon little tidbits or create whole new stories from the lore. Building a Bridge How many remember your first hobby projects? How about your first foray into blog posting? Stephanie Young has not only jumped into …

Good Reads – Blogs You May Have Missed – 2015W10

I follow a lot of hobby blogs, and while there is always a great slew of content that comes through my feed reader, there are usually a few that stand out for me. I’m going to call these Good Reads because trying to do a top 10 of the week, or my favorite posts never end well. So instead I will pick a few posts that I thought had great content or inspirational work and provide a curated list for you. So for the 10th Week of 2015 here are some good reads: First up is a cute little robot painted by Dave Taylor, well little may be a wrong adjective as it stands as tall as his Thallax. And yes, I may have accidentally called it a rust bucket in the comments, those leg parts are brass – hard to see on a small phone screen. Rebel Grot by Kamui from Creative TwilightKamui from Creative Twilight has finished up a great custom built Grot Commissar if you haven’t seen his Rebel Grot army you should …