Author: Joe B

Book Review of Color Theory by Patti Mollica

Book Review: Color Theory by Patti Mollica

While doing research for my painting basics post, I pulled out a book I’ve had on color theory. After reading through it, I thought I would provide a book review and my takeaways from this book. Color Theory by Patti Mollica is a fairly short but dense book in the Artist’s Library Series aimed at more traditional artists. What I mean by this is that the colors she mentions and tools used are the typical set used by canvas painters. So while the topic of learning color theory is helpful, we just need to translate it into painting miniatures. I am listing learning color theory as one of the things to help painters improve. By learning how colors interact and mix, you can create moods and feeling, or create focus to particular areas of the model. Book Contents At only 52 pages, it is easy to skim through Color Theory and get a sense of what it offers. Patti breaks the book down into five sections: the history of color, color basics, pigments & paints, communicating with …

Ork Blood Bowl Team WIP

Blood Bowl Ork Team WIP for Squaduary Week 1

Already making progress on my Squaduary pledge and have an update on my Blood Bowl Ork Team WIP. As mentioned in my last WIP update, I wanted to paint them with purple armor and decided that orange would be a good spot color. At this point, I have half the team base coated and washed with brown. They look rough right now, and I hate showing this stage of painting, but as part of Squaduary, I need to show some updates right? So while this week of Squaduary was supposed to be build week, I already had the team built up and primed. So between the head start I already had and wanting to get the Stompa done this month as well, I have been plowing ahead. Colors: All colors are Vallejo Game Color. Dark Green Khaki Silver Parasite Brown Black Hexed Lichen Hot Orange Next steps Now that the first six are base coated I can start highlighting each color. I have the other six to do as well but need to wait for the …

How to improve your hobby build skills

How to Improve Your Hobby Building Skills

In a rush of excitement, you rip open your brand new model kit. While thrown back at first by the sheer number of tiny pieces, you smash it all together with glue, slap paint everywhere you can, and plunk it on the table top. But at some point, you realize that you are unhappy with how it looks, especially compared to your buddies models. If you are new getting into the hobby, or a long timer gamer wanting to improve the look of your army, then you understand the frustration of trying to figure out what to work on. Or comprehend all these terms thrown about by veteran hobbyists. This is why I put together this list of ways to improve your hobby skills. I’ve created the series From Beginner to Happy to get you to the point of being happy with your hobby skills. While this won’t be an exhaustive guide to all the hobby basics, I made an overview of topics you can work on to bring your models from 3-color minimum, so something you are happy to …

Work in Progress Stompa and Inq28

Stompa Progress and Squaduary

Making good progress on the Stompa (still to be named) as I am focusing on his central body section before moving on the extra bits. I also have an update on the INQ28 squad and announcing my pledge for Squaduary. I’ve been working on adding more work in progress posts, in part because I know many of you like them, but it also relieves some pressure to create big, full posts every week. Stompa Progress I’ve been working on the Stompa during couch time and following the same steps as the Morkanaut. But the sheer size of this beast is a bit overwhelming. Not only is it about twice the height of the Morkanaut, but the surface area due to his bulk is massive. So I started by focusing on just the main body piece. While it’s the largest, once I get it done I can crank out all accessory pieces and glue them on as I go. At this point I have all the rusty metal done and the colored panels highlighted. I need …

Good Reads 44 by Borken Paintbrush

Good Reads 44

Welcome back to another week with Good Reads 44, a collection of hobby articles from around the web that you don’t want to miss. With tutorials, inspiration, and some amazing models, these are well worth checking out. Acastus Knight So the Acastus Knight is an incredible kit from Forge World and Jake of Redscorps did a fantastic job of painting his. Between the well done blue and white scheme and just enough weathering, it’s an excellent centerpiece. Making Robes from Tin While not for the faint of heart (and thin-skinned), D Powers put together a tutorial on how to use thin sheets of tin to create custom robes. The end effect is incredible as it creates a much thinner robe than using green stuff. Age of Munda The freedom that INQ28 allows is an interesting concept that I have started playing with, but the rules are scattered and a bit complicated for basic games. So  I love what BigBossRedSkullz did by combining the game mechanics of Age of Sigmar with Necromunda. Allows for great narrative while minimizing …

Using X-Acto Hobby Knife for miniatures and craft projects

Cool Tools: X-Acto Hobby Knife Blades

Today’s Cool Tool is going to feature the mighty X-Acto hobby knife and the ubiquitous #11 blade. While most hobbyists have a set of X-Acto blades in their hobby supplies, did you know there are a bunch of other blades to use? Right tool, right job. For our hobby, having a sharp blade helps with all sorts of things. Removing parts from sprues, scraping mold lines, cutting off unwanted bits, creating battle damage, and cutting plastic card for kitbashing. Affiliate disclaimer: links to amazon are affiliate links, meaning that if you buy them through my link, I get a tiny cut from Amazon (at no change of price to you). Other than the scalpels that I mention below, everything else is products I use and recommend. So if you need new blades and want to help pay for my server bills, consider the links below. The General #11 Blade That is where the mighty #11 X-Acto blade comes in. This is the ‘standard’ blade that comes with most knife kits and the one you see in the …

How to Paint Ironjawz Brute by Em

Watch This: Painting Red Ironjawz featuring Em

Yes, I like greenskins so it is hard to pass up videos featuring them. Especially as I’m trying to finish my Dread Mob and start the Ork Blood Bowl Team. What I like about Em’s tutorial on painting these red Orruk Ironjawz Brutes is how simple each step is, yet the finished model looks great. Below I embed the video from Warhammer TV where Em steps through each part of the miniatures and gives some great tips from using different types of washes to highlighting the bone spikes with lines. I’ve tried to gather as many of these notes as I could below for those who like to read along to wanted to quickly grab all the colors she used. Quick note: I am using this video and notes without permission, but wish to share this great tutorial and provide my own thoughts to it. In no way do I claim any copyrights to the video or any of Games Workshop’s trademarked colors below. Watch How to Paint Ironjawz Orruk Brutes My Notes First I’m going …

Painting Death Skull Killa Kans and Showcase

Showcase: Death Skull Killa Kans

I finished these a few weeks back but hadn’t posted the showcase for them yet. I also put together a painting guide for them as well. While not much different than the Morkanaut, they are a simpler version due to their size. As with my other Ork walkers, I’ve been painting these on the couch so I wanted them to be quick and easy. This is why I went with the drybrush rusty metal and spot colors of the blue, red, and white. Showcase First up is the finished Death Skull Killa Kans. I built each one up with different weapons, in part because each looks cool, but also I don’t really know what is the best load out with them. I figure when I get 4-5 squads built up with different weapons I can pick and choose 🙂 First up is the flamer armed Klip Klopper. I could image a whole squad of these guys would be great for close range support. Next up is Da Hole Maker which has my favorite close combat bit …

My Hobby Spend Resolutions

Hobby Spend Resolutions of 2017

I know I already talked a bit about my hobby goals for the year, but after talking with a few guys on Twitter about not buying any new kits, I wanted to revisit it here. Thus I present my Hobby Spend Resolutions of 2017. As some of you may know, I have my version of the Closet of Doom (TM) with way too many kits that need to be built. To combat this pile of gray sprues, keep me motivated to finish more projects, and yet reward myself for completing mini-milestones I have put together the following plan. We pretend that Closet of Doom has been trademarked by the great Mordian7th as he is the first to have used the word. I’ve broken down each of my major projects into Must Finish and Wish List. There are more things in my box of sprues than are on the Must Finish list, but I figured this would be an excellent way to make it easier to accomplish some smaller goals first. Ork Dead Mob Must Finish …

Good Reads 43

We are into the first few weeks of 2017, and I have your first Good Reads of the year! Get ready to be inspired, learn a few new things, and enjoy some great posts by your fellow hobbyists. Sculpting a Witch Hunters Hat With the new Agents of the Imperium book out, it seems fitting that Nazroth put together a tutorial on creating Witch Hunter hats. I think his focus is on Mordheim miniatures, but the tips work well for all sorts of armies. Blood Effect: Theory and Tutorial Will from Miniatures of Tomorrow has been cranking out some amazing commission pieces, and along the way, he created some helpful tutorials including this one on painting blood effects – specifically blood splatter. Slaanesh Lord As someone who has a ton of half-finished models in boxes, I applaud Thor on finishing his Slaanesh Chaos Lord. Not only is this a fantastic looking miniature, but he also took the extra time to magnetize all the weapon options – and check out that snow! Angron Painting Guide As …

How to Paint Black Armor and Clothing

Guide to Painting Black – How to Paint Black Cloth and Armor

I’ve received the question on how to paint black a number of times so a few weeks back I put the question to the greater community and have compiled this guide to painting black armor and clothing. I broke this guide down into a few different sections: background/color theory of black, general tips on painting black, three different methods to paint black, and further reading with tutorials by other bloggers. Want this as a PDF? I took the extra time on this post to create an eBook for you to download and take with you. Check out the form at the bottom of the post to grab it. So let’s jump in! What is Black and Why is it Hard? What makes black such a hard color to paint? Painters suffer from the opposite problem as painting white: it is hard to shade black. Reds, blues, yellows, they can all be shaded and highlighted. You can change the tone or saturation by mixing in other colors. Black, well is black. So while you can’t shade …

How to do Wet Blending Video Tutorial by AG Productions

Watch This: Wet Blending

Blending is the technique of transitioning one color of paint to another, with wet blending being a particular style that involves adding layers while the paint is still wet. In today’s Watch This, I feature AG Productions’ video on wet blending. While the hot thing lately is to use airbrushes to create super smooth blends and highlights, wet blending has been around for a long time. It works great for those who like to use brushes or in tight spots that an airbrush would be difficult to get in to. So check out the video below or skip to my notes where I break down his steps and tips for making the most of your wet blending. Watch How to Do Wet Blending Wet Blending Overview Here are my notes from AGP’s video on how to do wet blending. He is painting a Carnosaur with a fade from white to yellow to purple that looks incredible. Focus on small sections of the model at a time Use features on the model to break up where …