Good Reads
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Good Reads 37

Good Reads is all about sharing some awesome content from fellow hobby bloggers. Every day you guys are building, painting, and writing some amazing things. I try to gather some of my favorites here to share with all of my readers.

Good Reads 37

With Dreadtober in full swing, I haven’t been able to fully keep up with all the blogs, so if I haven’t commented lately, sorry! And since I missed last week’s post, this one will be a bit longer than normal.

Keeper of Secrets

Slaanesh Demon Prince Conversion from Verminlord

Slaanesh Demon Prince by WestRider on Cascadian Grimdark

Not one to wait another dozen years for the model, WestRider converted his own Slaanesh Demon Prince from a Vermin Lord. It’s an incredible twist on the Dark Princelings.

Death Rattle Army

Death Rattle Army by Heavens Teeth

Army by Heaven’s Teeth

One of the nice benefits of the new ruleset in Age of Sigmar is being able to create small armies that play well. No longer needing blocks of 100 skeletons, Heaven’s Teeth built up this Death Rattle army rather quickly and it looks great.

Learning About Infinity

pictures property of Corvus Belli

pictures property of Corvus Belli

Corrm recently had a guest writer, Chris Rhode, who shared his experience on learning about Infinity and how he got hooked. I like the idea of these small skirmish games as you get a lot more character in each model.

Painting Word Bearers

How to Paint Word Bearers by Death of a Rubrist

Word Bearer by Apologist

Apologist from Death of a Rubrist does incredible work, the latest is creating a multipart painting guide for Word Bearers. Some incredible tips from this amazing artist.

Nekima in Blood

Nekima painted by Zab

Nekima by Zab

Zab from Almost Perftec has been working on this lady for awhile but has now completed his Nekima model. He’s got some great tips on make the gory red base in there too which is awesome.

Magnetized Hills

Creating Gaming Hills with Magnets

Hills by Dagger and Brush

Creating scratch terrain isn’t as common as it once was with the plethora of gaming companies creating awesome sets. But hills are always a great addition and fairly easy to make. Dagger and Brush put together a guide for creating hill with magnets to hold on trees.

Dreadtober Build Showcase

Dreadtober Build Showcase #2

So you couldn’t get away to fast without a hint of #dreadtober right? Well if you missed last week’s Showcase post, make sure you go check out what all the amazing participants are working on. And tomorrow, the next will go live!

Wrap UP

I want to do a general call out for my newsletter that I post weekly. It has a similar flavor as Good Reads in that I share a bunch of great posts from the webs. Mixed in with the latest posts from Broken Paintbrush are articles I have found for painting, building, photography, or just plain inspirational.

So if you want more hobby goodness in your inbox (better than coupons right?) fill in the form below and enjoy!