While I often focus on the art side of our hobby, I don’t completely neglect the gaming side. Be it a well crafted battle report, a look at other game systems, or some thoughts on winning competitions, many have written great articles on the subject.
These are my collection of Good Reads 2016 Gaming Articles pulled from my bi-weekly Good Reads post, emailed in links that I missed, and a few posts of my own. Click through and check them out, bookmark it for later, and don’t miss the other Good Reads 2016 Collections:
- Good Reads 2016 Main Page
- Good Reads 2016 Building Articles
- Good Reads 2016 Painting Articles
- Good Reads 2016 Inspirational Articles
- Good Reads 2016 Gaming Articles
- Good Reads 2016 Humor and Story Articles
Prepping for Competition
While I have yet to travel for any painting competition, I can appreciate the massive amount of work that it would take to pack everything up and keep it all organized. The guys at Massive Voodoo are no strangers to traveling with amazing models, and thankfully they put together a checklist they go through to prepare.
Kings of War
With all the radical changes that happened with Age of Sigmar many gamers have started looking elsewhere for a rules system. Jarrett Lee from MiniJunkie talks about his growing love of Kings of War. Seems like a great way to push blocks of units around.
King of the Hill
Speaking of Kings of War, Swordmaster put together a nice battle report between his Outcasts and a friends Kingdom of Men. Looks a lot like classic Warhammer battle reports with nice balanced blocks smashing into each other.
Conversion Points in Competitions
In today’s age of plastic injection wonder, Rob questions the value of keeping ‘conversion’ points in competition brackets. There is a great conversation in the comments as well as players argue one way or the other.
Story Based Game Event
Speaking of Thor, he did a write up of an event his has been running that is a story based campaign. Fratris Salutem looked like a fantastic event and the kind of event that I would love to attend.
Old Hammer Battle Report
Sean signed up to be a guest writer on Broken Paintbrush (check out his article this Saturday!) which is how I found his blog. Not only is he a hardcore Oldhammer fan, but he does his battle reports in a comic style.  Check the comic reports, and stay for the Oldhammer!
Learning About Infinity

pictures property of Corvus Belli
Corrm had a guest writer, Chris Rhode, who shared his experience on learning about Infinity and how he got hooked. I like the idea of these small skirmish games as you get a lot more character in each model.
Shorehammer Review and Pictures
Tournaments and events are a great excuse to create some fun and inventive mini-games and Gren Dal shows us what Shorehammer had for this year, include the Wych Cult Death Match game above, a Gorkamorka race, and a no-holds bar 40k tournament.
Nova Open Picture Dump
Leave it to Greg to kills thousands of collective hours by fellow hobbyists staring at his huge picture dump of Nova Open. There are some fantastic armies in there worth spending the time to check out.
40k Comic Battle
Another comic style battle report, this time by Thomas with a 40k battle between Chaos Space Marines and Tyranids. It’s fun seeing well placed pictures turned into classic comic action and Thomas does a great job narrating the scene.
Hussar Painting Competition
Hussar is Poland’s big painting competition and The Fantasy Hammer gives us a taste of the amazing models entered in his video. Some amazingly talented painters and it’s great seeing the diversity in genres, styles, and compositions.
Loving the End Times and AoS
The End Times was a traumatic experience for many long time Fantasy players, and even more so on the gaming community. Chuck shares his feelings on holding to the fun part of the hobby and story straight into the Age of Sigmar.
Some of My Favorite Board Games
A bit off subject with miniature wargaming, but I share my favorite board games to play with family. During this holiday break we have spent many hours playing these games, many over a nice brew and making memories.
Wrap Up
I hope you enjoyed a look back at some of the AMAZING things your fellow hobbyists have done and shared through their blogs. Make sure you visit as many as you can and leave them a comment with your thoughts and encouragement.
And don’t forget the other Good Reads 2016 Collections: