All posts tagged: dreadtober

Dreadtober Build Showcase #2

Dreadtober Build Showcase – See What They Built

You ready for some awesome! Dreadtober has started and the participants are ready to show you their built models. This is the Showcase of the second challenge for Dreadtober: Build the Model. Each participant was challenged this week to build their model, be it a dreadnought, Deff Dread, or Warjack. Below you will see each of their accomplishments, so cheer them on! AJ Progress is good! Had some issues with the airbrush on my highlights, but we will see how it goes. Magnets are set. Facebook: vigilanteminiatures Ashley Finished my assembly this week. He’s a really fun model, I’m really looking forward to putting some paint on him his week. Editor’s Note: Ashley did an awesome shoutout on the 40k Radio podcast for Dreadtober too! Check out Episode 6 around the 30 minute mark (listen to the rest for great 40k as well!) Twitter: chickhammer  | Blog: Glenn All the info should be here: Facebook: NarrativeGuys Grenn Dal I am progressing nicely and have finished the build phase and am moving onto the painting …

Tutorial on building a custom model with bit bashing and scuplting

How to Build a Custom Model Through Kitbashing

Sometimes you are going for a unique look, other times you want to add new dynamism to a model. Either way, learning how to build a custom model through kitbashing is an excellent way to make something truly yours. For my examples, I use a Space Marine Dreadnought. They are boxy, unwieldy beasts of a model that are cool, but static looking. I want to fix that problem and show you how I took a Blood Angels Furioso Dreadnought and turned it into a charging Ironclad for my Mentor Legion. Making a Plan As with any project, it’s important to have at least a rough idea of where you are going. It can change, reform, and flow as your build the model and get further inspiration. For this dreadnought, I had a Furioso model sitting in my bits box from the Baal campaign box set (really got it for the Tyranid models). I needed something to build and paint to create these tutorials for Dreadtober and thought it would fit the bill nicely. That and …

Dreadtober Challenge 2: Build Your Model

Build Your Model a Dreadtober Challenge

This is it. We are starting to actual begin working on your Dreadtober model! The challenge this week is to build your model. Glue, knives, and magic may all be required. Well, hopefully between your fellow Dreadtober participants and the helpful tutorials below we can skip on the magic part. But I do hope that as part of this challenge you are trying new things to push your hobby skills a bit further. As a reminder, these weekly challenges are only meant to be guidance and milestone markers to provide encouragement along the build. If your model is already built or you prefer to paint on the sprue, don’t let me stop you from your hobby style! Challenge: Build Your Model This week’s challenge is pretty straightforward: create your Dreadtober model! It doesn’t matter if your model is still in its box or already partially assembled, the goal is to have it fully assembled by next Saturday. For those who like to paint the model in sub-assemblies, magnetize the crap out of the model, or have …

Dreadtober Painting Challenge

Dreadtober: The Participants

The Dreadtober build and paint event is officially started! Last week, I posted a pre-event challenge to have the participants plan what they will accomplish for the month. The idea was to organize and prepare for the month. I challenged each of them to make goals for not only the finished model but what steps they would need to accomplish along the way. As the challenges progress, the Saturday Showcase will highlight their progress. For this first week, it’s more of a meet the participants and have them share what their plan’s are. So check out their blogs, give their social feeds a follow, and cheer them on. The Participants Listed in no particular order are the Dreadtober 2016 participants. (ok, it does relate roughly to when they sent me their info!) If you missed the initial launch and still want to join, just fill in the form below and I will email you all the details. As there isn’t a competition but rather a fun thing to do together during October, there isn’t a penalty for …

Dreadtober Challenge: Planning Your Hobby Project

Here it is! Dreadtober begins today! Well at least the first challenge: planning your hobby project. I think I just hear about a third of you grown about having to plan. “I’m an artist, not a cube-man!” “It’s just a hobby, planning is for work.” Or something along those lines. But the truth is, projects (even artistic, hobby ones) have a much better shot at being accomplished if you put together a simple plan. Notice, it doesn’t have to be a giant Gantt chart, 90-page operating plan, or even anything formal. Instead, the point of this challenge is to prepare so that the project goes smoother, and you can spend more time building, painting, and interacting than worrying about what color to paint it. The Challenge: Plan your Dreadtober Project One of the best pieces of advice for planning is: write down what you want to achieve. Start with the end in mind and we will work back from there. Do you have a Space Wolf Dreadnought missing out on battle honor by sitting in …

Dreadtober Introduction – What to Expect for 2016

Dreadtober is three things: fun, productive, and starting soon! Maybe you took part in it last year, or at least saw it take over your social feeds, or maybe it’s brand new. Either way, I want to provide a Dreadtober Introduction for you here and invite you to join in. Do you have a dreadnought, Deff Dread, battle suits, Carnifex, Warjack, or anything along that size? Does it need painting AND you want to join in with a ton of other community members to get it done in a single month? Then Dreadtober is for you! Greg (last year’s host and originator), has handed me the torch for this year’s community challenge. I am super excited for this opportunity and hope to make it both productive (paint a dread!) and fun (community!) What is Dreadtober But before we get too far along, what exactly is Dreadtober? I hinted at it above, but the goal of this challenge is to paint a dreadnought-sized model in the month of October. By teaming together with a bunch of …

Dreadtober Painting Challenge

Dreadtober is Coming

Can you believe August is already over? That brings a few things: the end of summer for us in the north, Nova Open, and anticipation for Dreadtober! Due to exciting things in Greg’s life, I’ll be hosting the month-long painting event this year, and it’s going to be awesome! And Lo! Dreadtober is coming! For those who missed it last year, Dreadtober is a community challenge to build, paint, and show off a dreadnought sized model during the month of October. There isn’t any competition or reward other than getting one of your models finished. But the participants had a blast last year and some amazing models got painted. I’m still working on the details for the challenge, but if you are interested, sign up below and I’ll keep you up to date. I’ll be using email to keep in contact with all the participants, but don’t worry, I don’t spam and I won’t automatically add you to the newsletter (though I hope you check that out too!). Stay Tuned for More to Come! A more …