Skip scrolling through the blog feed for a minute and check out this week’s list of Good Reads. I’ve collect some of the posts that have caught my eye over the last two weeks and gather them here for you to check out, catch up on if you fell behind, or maybe find someone new to follow.
With that, here is Good Reads 48.
Seeking Guidance
Alex has joined in with The Chapel project to create a unique mix of backwoods clans in the 40k world. Â This is his second Ostium Guild for the event and not only did he make these two incredible miniatures, but a great short story to go with them as well.
Necron Destroyers
Siph has just completed his third unit of Necron Destroyers with a nice looking half-field of blue. Combined with his Destroyer Lord he now has a Destroyer Cult formation to wipe out his enemies.
AoS28 and Warhammer Quest
AoS28 is picking up momentum and Crimson Oracle has combined it with his interest in expanding Warhammer Quest with a new set of monsters and tiles set in a swamp. Some great looking work going on there.
Death Guard Kill Team
Greggles has been kicking it into high gear to get ready for AdeptiCon and finished this Kill Team of Death Guard for the event. It’s a fantastic balance of color, uniformity, and weathering.
3D Printed Heros
Jeff painted this 3D printed bard from Heroforge for a friend and now only showed off his great skill and color choices, but also how he fixed the issues with the printing process. Still a ways off from putting companies out of business, but the quality is getting better.
Tools for Terrian
Having the right tool is critical for getting work done efficiently and with quality. Dagger and Brush share their tools for building terrain which is worth paying attention to if you have seen the amazing terrain sets over there.
When the new Eldar Wraithlords came out with the Wraithblade variant it was a cool addition to an already nice model. Spot1cus painted his in Iyanden colors, but took the fluff and painted them with a darker mood and added weathering – something you don’t often see on Eldar.
Wrap Up
That was another big set of posts to check out, I hope you found something to satisfy your hobby itch and maybe even learn a few things from your fellow hobbyists.
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