All posts filed under: 40k

Mentor Legion Stormtalon

Mentor Legion Stormtalon

Another model sitting on my shelf for way too long. Last year when flyers were the big hot thing, GW had a air force kit for the Space Marines with two Stormtalons and a Stormraven, I quickly built them up and started painting but got distracted with so many things in life. So here is my Mentor Legion Stormtalon. I also got a set of bases from Secret Weapon Miniatures Secret Weapon Miniatures to add interest on the large, nearly empty base. The junkyard base had a downed plane reckage that I painted up to look like a Ork flyer, a bit of internal competition. The base colors were done using an airbrush and painters tape to mask the other areas.  I then used washes to mark the panel lines and shade the green areas. The green was then highlighted and weathering done. The biggest issue I had with the original model was the nose weapon, so before building I did a search for other conversions and found Hand of Junk and Excommunicate Traitoris that both had …

Hacking Custom Decals

So on my Knight Titan I had decided to create my own house, which meant custom house insignia. Now, I’m not a great free hand painter (yet), and since the pattern would need to be repeated multiple times over the model, I needed to turn to water transfers. While I haven’t tried it yet, I have heard that Testors Decal Paper can work really well if you have a design in mind. After searching through my pile of transfers from Space Marines, Chaos, IG, tanks, the knight titan, and even the Ork and Eldar sheets that I had, I finally settled on the winged sword from the Baneblade to create my custom decal. The only problem was that the two transfers on the Baneblade sheet were only big enough for the shins and as i wasn’t confidant that I could hand paint a larger version for the shoulder, I turned back to the decals at hand. Looking at the Hawkshroud icon, it would give me a great wing once the head was removed and the wing turned 180, …

Imperial Knight Titan

Imperial Knight Titan

My first picture post of the year should be epic right? Well here is my first Imperial Knight Titan for my yet unnamed house.   My wonderful wife bought me this Knight Titan [get it at Amazon] last Father’s Day and it has been a slow process to build and paint this beast. In the end, I can’t get over how amazing this model is in person – any one that has finished one knows what I am talking about I’m sure. I decided to create my own, as yet unnamed house, and since my wife’s favorite color is yellow, it was only fitting that it would be the primary color.   The amour plates were left separate and I glued them to penny nails to act as handles to paint and I could stab them into corks to dry. The main colors were all done using an airbrush and my meager skills allowed for very little highlighting – but a good dose of painters tape allowed the pauldrons to be painted both colors. The family crest of …

Iron Warriors Helbrute Red Background

A Little Chaos to the mix: Iron Warriors Helbrute

So to break up the aliens a bit, I got a bit excited that the Helbrute kit finally came out for Chaos. I had been holding on to the Dark Vengeance model – which I think is a fantastic model (especially for a starter kit!) but I was waiting for a multi-part kit to customize it. For me the stubby Multi-Melta looked a bit off, so that’s what I fixed! To contrast the silver and yellows of my Iron Warriors, I figured purple would do just nicely so I went with purple-blue skin and red-purple red accents. The skin is worked up from Xereus Purple to Calgar blue (with some Lothern blue on the tubing). I used washes of Khorne Red, Leviathan Purple, and Earthshade to add the bruising and shadows. The red was built up over a few shades of red and purple wash used on the daemon face and tentacles. Hard coat was later added to the claws to make them blood-glossy. From the top you can see the nice contrast between purple flesh, …

Behemoth Zoanthrope

Tyranid Zoanthrope

Because what is cooler than a floating brain with iity-bitty claws? How about add a row of menacing teeth in a snear? And with that, I present the Tyranid Zoanthrope from Hive Fleet Behemoth!   This is the ‘old’ Finecast model that was at least an upgrade for the extremely top heavy metal version, but that little point between the tail and the ground spike is a point that keeps breaking. To prevent this I have added a small pin so we will see how that holds up. The biggest question for the colors on this guy was what to paint the brain. I decided to keep it blue but reverse the highlights from the carapace so the depths were the white and dark blue on the ridges. This helps give a glowing, alien look to it and contrasts to the hard plates. I love the skin stretched over the brain. If GW ever asks my opinion for the greatest sculpt, this may be among my top 10, though the new plastic version is pretty cool …

Tyranid Ripper Swarm

Tyranid Rippers for Hive Fleet Behemoth

Just because they are small, tinny, bitey things don’t make them less scary en masse. Today I add some Tyranid Ripper Swarms to the growing hive fleet. I love the fact that these guys come on the various sprues because buying a box of just rippers would be a bit lame to open and ‘assemble.’ Having them as a freebie gives a nice surprise instead! For the coloring on these guys, I purposely left the red a bit darker except for the face to help emphasize it a bit more. I left the extreme blue contrast through which helps brighten up the otherwise dark mass. While only three ripper bases may not accomplish much in a game, since they come in each gaunt box they will continue to grow as the horde expands to consume the universe!

Tyranid Warrior of Behemoth

Tyranid Warrior Brood

Ok so that teaser post was a while back now, blame it on Real Life ™. But anyway, here are some more units for Hive Fleet Behemoth, this time a (now old) Tyranid Warrior Brood to lead the little gaunts into battle. Each is armed with the classic scything and death spitters to give a well rounded battle field role of longish range shooting with an extra attack in close combat. While the lack of the special weapon gives it a lack of punch, it also helps cut down on the point cost – which makes this a great throw-away leader unit if needed. This is one of my favorite aspects of the Tyranids, in that you can see the hunger and drive in each of the units. From the snarling faces to the forward lunge it is clear they are trying hard to get forward into the enemy. This view shows the contrast between the deep, smooth(ish) red and the high-contrast blue of the carapace. I really wanted an army that sticks out from the table top …

Carnofex of Hive Fleet Behemoth

The Hive Mind Devours All – Tyranid Carnifex

So I few years back I enticed my brother-in-law to join me in the 40k world and he was drawn in by the Tyranids. While he has built up a small army of the bugs he hasn’t quite got around to painting them all yet. Over the Christmas break we spent time base coating his whole army red and had planned on doing the black/blue base as well but just ran out of time (future post coming on Kill Teams!). To help motivate him and get the painting juices going I volunteered to paint his Carnifex – ok it may have been a bit selfish on my part too!   He had chosen Hive Fleet Behemoth and painted a few ‘guants for me to pull colors from. The whole model had already been sprayed red so I based in the Necron Abyss for the blue areas, black for the weapons and claws, and elf flesh for all the soft bits. A black wash later had the model tabletop ready.   I love the look of …

Mentor Legion Scout Squad with Sniper Rifles

Mentor Legion Scouts with Snipers

Finally finished off another Mentor Legion squad – holidays were a bit busy! This time it is a scout squad equipped with sniper rifles and camo cloaks. These were a good diversion from full power armour; the cloth and flesh were a nice change up. I kept the colors a bit more muted than their full brethren figuring they wouldn’t want to stick out too much as they did their scout thing. They followed my normal painting flow: base coat, devlan mud everything, highlight. The Mentor Legionnaires I do two layers of green and three white, but to keep the scouts muted I did a single highlight. The “white” comes out more tan colored, but still fitting with the rest of the army. To add a bit more interest to the large cloaks I did a simple camo pattern using the stippling brush. It consisted of light green, light ochre, and off white, finished off with another layer of devlan mud wash. I’m happy with how they turned out – especially with how simple it …

Mentor Legion Drop Pods

So I intend to build out the whole second company’s troop squads with drop pods, and since I have two squads done, it is only fitting I finish two drop pods. When I built them I did it in three pieces: the bottom with the doors, the fins connected to the top engine, and the center comms/seats. This allowed the center section to attach to the fins and all drop into the base when I wanted, or to take apart to paint. This was also my first attempt at airbrushing and while it gave me a cleaner white blend, I feel like I spent a great deal of time applying masking tape and then peeling it off. The first is Triumph armed with the simple bolter. For the army badges I used the ones that came with the kit and just cut off the existing mold. Since these are issued to the second company, I needed some yellow somewhere so went for the badge/button on each restraint. The second drop pod is Exultant with the …

Mentor Legion Devastator Centurions

Mentor Legion Space Marine Centurions

OK so when I first saw these guys in the White Dwarf, I pretty much hated how the Space Marine Centurion models looked. They were awkward and too busy, but after visiting my local GW and saw the manager’s assembled unit I was able to gain a whole new appreciation for the models. Is is silly for a marine in armour to wear amour? yes, but mechanics have a realm of feasibility. The exception to this for me is the under-hung guns on the assault version, I get that they are taking the same look from the Ironclad, but they look way too fragile down there. Any way, I picked up a kit and built out a devastator unit for my Mentors. I present Squad 3 of the 9th Company lead by Brother-Sergeant Koninmund.   I did a bit of small adjustments to the model, most noticeable was switching out a few heads. I also cut apart the most static of the leg poses to give more of a walking motion (more on that below).   I’m …

Mentor Legion Ironclad Dreadnought

Ironclad Dreadnought of the Mentor Legion

So after deciding to build up my Mentor Legion last fall, I bought the Space Marine mega force, which along with the battle force and the last two starter kits worth of marines in my closet, gives me nearly enough marines to build a company. To round out all those foot troopers, I need some big guns and fists. This is where the wonderful Ironclad Dreadnought comes in. It may have not been my first choice for awesome marine models, but since it came along with the mega force, I might as well put him to work. On this model I also was trying out some of the weathering powders for both the model and the base. I had bought the set from Forge World as well as the Master Class book and was anxious to give it a try. They are a bit difficult to get into place, but I feel it gives a better blend when you mix the colors before setting them. The model also includes a few custom purity seals to help …